Showing Physical Activity is Equally Important
Physical activity is a crucial part of a student’s overall well-being. It is effective for healthy growth and development and is also important for learning. It significantly impacts people of all ages and is particularly important for school-aged children. The foundation of a physical active lifestyle is laid right in the childhood stage. Unfortunately, there is a drastic decline in the number of children engaging in physical activity each day. Instead, more children are found sitting in the classroom or front of the TV.Physical activities are more than just kicking a ball and running around the track. As obesity continues to rise and more people lead sedentary lifestyles, promoting physical activity is becoming necessary. It is also essential for maintaining good performance in school.
Below, I have highlighted 5 major points that explain why physical education is just as important as academic work:
Recently, many schools have cut back on physical education and placed greater emphasis on academics as they strive to prepare students for college and the workforce. Due to immense pressure to improve academic achievements, many educators give academics more priority over physical education. This facet of the development should not be overlooked. Schools should make physical education (P.E.) mandatory in their curriculum to maintain an overall growth among students.
It improves the ability to think, concentrate and focus
Research has shown that physical activities play a key role in enlarging the basal ganglia of the brain. The Basal Gaglia part of the brain holds the individual’s capability to focus. Currently, due to the rise of technologies like PCS, tablets, television, and mobile phones, it becomes difficult for students to maintain focus in their studies.
With the help of physical education, teachers can easily improve the concentration level of students. As per scientific research, physical education is also responsible for improving connections between neurons in brains. Well-connected neurons promote the overall thinking ability of students, thus making students more efficient.
Promotes Healthy growth and development
Children more often are inclined toward unhealthy foods like soft drinks, pizzas, fries, and burgers. Consuming such food leads to childhood obesity. Thus, physical education is crucial for preventing high pressure and obesity. Physical exercises can help you burn off your extra calories. When you are physically active, you tend to become stronger and more energetic, making you take more interest in classroom activities.
While muscle strengthening exercises make muscles larger and stronger, they also help children carry more weight and aid in protecting joints against injuries.
Exercised that strengthens your muscle:
- Push-ups
- Hula hooping
- Climbing trees
- Using monkey bars
- Bike riding
It is also recommended to have a healthy heart. Exercises recommended for a healthy heart are jumping rope, playing basketball, and soccer.
Prevents sleep deprivation
Proper night sleep is necessary for leading a happy and healthy life. Students who participate in physical activities tend to have tired and exhausted bodies that naturally crave a good night’s sleep. When you sleep properly, you become more upright and attentive during lectures in the classroom. This prevents them from making careless mistakes and gives them enough energy to perform well before their teachers.
Makes you more flexible
Another reason schools should add physical education as an essential component to their school curriculum is to between their education and personal life. It has been seen that students who actively participate in physical activities are healthier and happier than students who spend most of their time doing school work. It improves blood circulation in the body and provides more oxygen to the brain and heart, thus allowing the body to maintain a proper balance between physical and mental health.
Helps with relieving stress and anxiety
Students mostly face hectic schedules in their school. Taking part in education and physical activities can help students to relieve their academic anxiety and stress. Due to this, students often are unable to focus and concentrate on their studies, which badly affects their overall academic performance.
On the other hand, physical activities let students breathe out their stress, thus making it easier to overcome the issues that are coming between them and their study goals. These students tend to feel proud after coming out strong from the difficult phase.
Improves social and problem-solving skills
Social skill is one of the essential skills that need to be developed at a prime age. Or else they will be spending their adulthood being a socially awkward person. It is a necessary skill to develop, especially for their future in their job sectors. More students should be encouraged to participate in activities that include working with others on a team or group. It will develop positive social and problem-solving skills. This way, cooperating with others encourage teammates and helps them to learn how to adjust to others.
Boosts confidence
Exercises increase your self-worth since they give you a sense of achievement rather than sitting passively and brooding over issues. As you exercise, the body releases chemical substances called endorphins which play a key role in relieving stress and making you feel good psychologically.
The benefits of physical activities among academic students are immense. Schools are not just for helping students grow academically. Its true purpose is to cultivate them academically and socially. Physical activity is an essential development for students.
AUTHOR BIO: Alvin Louis is an avid blogger and fitness enthusiast who specialises in creating blogs on fitness. He is also associated with as an academic writer. He also writes blogs on academic tools, so he is an excellent person to recommend about punctuation checker tool.